6 min read · April 12, 2024

Automate Your Amazon Seller Business Effortlessly | Taxomate


By Michael Schwartz

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Many people dream of starting up a business, but not everybody has the time or resources to do it. It's often tough for people to establish a successful side hustle because of their day job, family, as well as other commitments.

This is why so many individuals are developing automated companies, one of which is an automated Amazon FBA company. While it takes some effort and time to establish, many effective methods are available to manage many of the activities once it's back in operation.


(Image by DilokaStudio on Freepik)

Why You Should Automate Your FBA Business

As you may expect, there are several benefits to automating Amazon FBA. Here are a few explanations why your business should be automated:

  • It Gives You the Time to Run a Business: It might be difficult to manage a side company while still working full-time.
  • It Makes it Easier to Grow Your Business: Automation systems handle the day-to-day duties, allowing you to concentrate on developing new items and expanding your firm.
  • Make Money While You’re Not Working: Having an automated business allows you to spend more time with your family.

Ultimately, the more efficient your firm is, the more time you'll have to explore new items and do the activities you enjoy.

How to Automate Your Amazon FBA Business

We've previously spoken about how Amazon FBA is a wonderful method to manage your company, however, there are a few more tactics you can use to boost your automation.


(image by Freepik)

Steps to automate your Amazon FBA business:

  • Learn about Amazon FBA and how it works.
  • To generate advertisements for your items, use photographers or copywriters.
  • To change your bids for various keywords, use PPC management software.
  • Calculate how many units you'll need as well as when you'll need them using inventory management software.
  • To automate your money, use accounting software.

1. Listing Optimization and Creation

It's critical to create Amazon listings that are optimized for these reasons:

  1. The most effective approach to have your items listed for crucial search queries is to use the appropriate keywords.
  2. People will judge whether or not to purchase your goods based on your listing, so it must be persuasive.

This is why many business owners use freelancers to assist them with this aspect of their operations. It not only streamlines the listing process, but, it also produces higher-quality listings that perform better in searches and convert more effectively.

There are many venues where you can locate freelancers, but UpWork and Fiverr are two of the finest.

2. PPC Management

Aside from organic search traffic, Amazon advertisements are the second most common source of traffic.

Amazon advertisements are an excellent method to increase traffic to your website. Additionally, they're a great method to get customers to check out new product information that isn't yet showing up in Amazon's organic search results.

Consider employing Amazon PPC software if you'd want to automate this element of your company or if you aren't confident enough to handle advertisements yourself. These tools let you control your bid levels and spend wisely so that your advertising gets the most exposure for the greatest rate.

3. Inventory Management

Inventory management is crucial to your business's success. If you run out of items before your next stock replenishment:

  • You'll lose out on sales opportunities.
  • You'll see a drop in your Amazon search ranking.
  • You will not be able to use the purchase box.

As a result, you must keep a watch on your supply and place more orders prior to going out of stock. Fortunately, there is software that can simplify this process for you.

These instruments will:

  • When your inventory is running low, an alert will be sent to you.
  • Based on previous sales as well as the time of year, estimate how much inventory is needed.
  • Assist you in optimizing your price.

There are a variety of inventory tracking solutions to choose from, so do your research and choose one that has the features and choices that your company needs.

4. Bookkeeping

It’s extremely essential to carefully monitor your finances if you’re running any kind of business. This is because:

  1. To calculate your earnings, you must first identify your income and costs.
  2. To correctly submit your taxes, you'll need documentation of all your earnings.

Many individuals despise entering data into a spreadsheet. Furthermore, this process can be both difficult as well as laborious. However, there's a fantastic option that can help you automate your bookkeeping as well as cut down on the amount of time invested in looking at a spreadsheet.

You can actually transfer your sales as well as levies into your accounting software with Taxomate. It only takes a few moments to get started. Simply integrate your Amazon seller information into taxomate, submit an invoice to your accounting software, and then match it to your Amazon bank payment. Begin your journey for free!


Amazon FBA is an excellent option if you're searching for a firm that can run itself. You'll be able to generate a consistent income without having to do most of the day-to-day tasks, Once you've put everything up, you can largely step back and let the systems you've put in place manage the operations. By automating your Amazon FBA business, you're not only freeing up your time but also enhancing efficiency, scalability, and profitability.

Remember, automation doesn't mean complete detachment; it means smart delegation and optimization. With the right tools and strategies, you can build a thriving Amazon FBA business that provides you with the freedom and flexibility to focus on what truly matters to you. So, take the leap into automation and watch your business soar to new heights!

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Michael Schwartz

Michael is the CEO and co-founder of taxomate, one of the leading ecommerce accounting integration software solutions.

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